Temenos trees


Human Family

I note the obvious differences
in the human family.
Some of us are serious,
some thrive on comedy.

Some declare their lives are lived
as true profundity,
and others claim they really live
the real reality.

The variety of our skin tones
can confuse, bemuse, delight,
brown and pink and beige and purple,
tan and blue and white.

I’ve sailed upon the seven seas
and stopped in every land,
I’ve seen the wonders of the world
not yet one common man.

I know ten thousand women
called Jane and Mary Jane,
but I’ve not seen any two
who really were the same.

Mirror twins are different
although their features jibe,
and lovers think quite different thoughts
while lying side by side.

We love and lose in China,
we weep on England’s moors,
and laugh and moan in Guinea,
and thrive on Spanish shores.

We seek success in Finland,
are born and die in Maine.
In minor ways we differ,
in major we’re the same.

I note the obvious differences
between each sort and type,
but we are more alike, my friends,
than we are unalike.

We are more alike, my friends,
than we are unalike.

We are more alike, my friends,
than we are unalike.

graphic green bar

Tenemos Communities

We are an ever evolving circle of communities coming together to enhance the lives of
all. At Temenos we are pleased to have several communities who base some or all of
their work out of Temenos. We are pleased that they see us as “home” They are our
valued resident communities.

Chester County Night School is one of the top rated night schools in Pa. It offers over
400 courses. We are pleased to host several of these valuable community offerings at
Temenos. For more information:
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 1:00pm
Opening week of classes: 9:00am to 7:00pm
Address: Chester County Night School
222 N. Walnut St., Suite A
West Chester, PA 19380
Web: www.chestercountynightschool.org
Email: helpdesk@chestercountynightschool.org
Phone: 610-692-1964

Makom Kadosh:
The Jewish Fellowship of Chester County (JFCC)

Engaging, inclusive Judaism for the 21st century

Spiritually engaging, inclusive, questioning, creative and casual, the JFCC is a community where adult seekers and learners take ownership of their Jewish growth and evolving identity, and where families experience Judaism together.

Welcoming and affirming, and supporting the full participation of singles and families of all kinds – interfaith, single parent, GLBT, Jews of color, spiritual seekers wanting a taste of Judaism.

Twice monthly musical, engaging Friday night services (first and third Fridays) always followed by pot-luck dinner, conversation, and community. Our services are anything but boring (really), and the dinner is always delicious!
Diverse monthly Shabbat morning offerings – walks in nature, meditation, chanting, story-telling.
Deeply meaningful High Holidays services. Our High Holidays services, and ALL services, are FREE and open to ALL!
Holiday celebrations that combine tradition with innovation.
Personalized life cycle events.
Individualized Jewish education for children and families.

Check our website TheJFCC.com for more information,
or contact Rabbi Elyse Seidner-Joseph at 484-947-6806

Wolfsongs Peace Community
Creative Offerings for Inspired Living
WolfSongs Peace Community is a Growing Community of Artists and Peacemakers. We are a loose collaboration of people using our skills for the common good. We offer tools for cultivating personal and planetary peace. We offer a variety of workshops, classes, concerts and events around practices enhancing peaceful well being. All are welcome to our monthly presentations and conversations around Peace at Temenos. We also offer many workshop classes at Temenos such as yoga nidra, nature, LifeForce yoga, drumming, concerts and more.
Web: www.wolfsongs.org
Email: drumwolfdrum@gmail.com
Phone: 484-995-5055